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    20 Practical Target Parenting Items You’re Probably Missing From Your Life

    Here are some tools to help you unlock the next level of parenting.

    1. A fabric storage bin with an attached top that will look cute in the playroom but also make that quick cleanup a breeze... just toss all those stuffies in it and go!

    the polka dot box with stuffed animals peeking out

    2. A super durable and leakproof kids' bento box, which will actually help you organize your brain and figure out what you need to put in there. Pssst: if you want to include a sweet treat, M&Ms look pretty cute in the circle compartment.

    3. A 4-in-1 convertible baby carrier, for those moments when all you really need is an extra set of hands. Strap your little to your chest or back and you've got your own hands back!

    a person with a baby in the baby carrier

    4. A shopping cart and highchair cover, so you can focus on trying to remember all the things you had on your list instead of worrying about all the germs out there.

    5. A surprisingly sleek spillproof snack cup that is perfect for little hands... messy, clumsy, adorable little hands. The backseat of your car will thank you.

    a child holds the cup while at the beach

    6. A pack of Lolleez children's organic throat-soothing pops, which will make sick days just a little bit sweeter for you and your kiddo. Just add couch snuggles and Disney+ and you're good to go.

    a child grabbing a bag of Lolleez

    7. A Dash mini waffle maker, which will knock out two birds with one stone: it serves up a great breakfast and delivers some super sweet childhood memories. Lean into the fun... and go ahead and add some extra syrup!

    the red waffle maker on a countertop

    8. A pacifier sanitizer, for those moments when everything is falling apart and the one thing that can get you a moment of peace and quiet was just on a very dirty floor. You've got this.

    9. A two-pack of faucet extenders, because hand washing is so important during cold season and your back isn't meant to hoist a 40-pound child closer to a sink over and over again.

    a child washes their hands using the faucet extenders

    10. An all-in-one kneeler and elbow saver, which TBH is PURE GENIUS. Bathtime can be so fun for LOs (once you manage to get them in the tub, of course), but it can be a literal pain for grown-ups. Now you just need a splash guard.

    a person gives a child a bath using the knee and elbow pad

    11. A waterproof mattress cover because getting up in the middle of the night to discover a blowout is hard enough... No need to do mattress cleanup, too! Pro tip: Buy two. Put a mattress cover and a crib sheet down, then layer another mattress cover and crib sheet on top. That way, you won't have to re-make the crib in the middle of the night!

    the mattress cover in a crib

    12. A tube of Aquaphor, the true MVP of parenting. Baby has diaper rash? Aquaphor. Toddler has a skinned knee? Aquaphor. Big kid has chapped lips from playing outside in the cold? Aquaphor. You get the point. Keep this one on hand at all times!

    a tube of Aquaphor

    13. A box of dog poop bags (yes, hear me out) for those moments where you're changing your baby in a restaurant and you don't want to be the people who left a SUPER stinky diaper in the single stall. The bags can help contain the smell, and you don't have to ruin everyone's meal.

    a closeup of the box and bags

    14. A space-saving vertical bottle rack, because you will 100% lose all your living room space to the kids, but you don't have to lose your kitchen counter, too! Also, file this under things you can keep using long after you put away the bottles (sippy cups, sports water bottles... wineglasses).

    the bottle rack with parts drying

    15. A pair of Apple AirPods so you can listen to your audiobook while rocking the bébé to sleep late at night and not have to worry about anyone getting tangled up in the cord. Listen, not all "kid" purchases are actually for the kids. Treat yourself.

    the airpods

    16. A stroller organizer because that stroller is basically an extension of your home, and it's going to have to hold a LOT of stuff. Bonus: This caddy has two insulated beverage holders — one for your caffeine (or grown-up juice) and the other for your baby's bottle.

    the stroller caddy in black

    17. A cool mist humidifier that rotates 360 degrees to help your little one breathe when they have the sniffles, which means you can also breathe easy and maybe get a better night's sleep.

    the humidifier in the purple color

    18. A folding travel potty seat, because you can't stay at home forever while potty training. You have to get out there, and your little one is going to have to go (probably at a really inconvenient time!). Now, you're prepared.

    the potty seat in teal

    19. A conditioning hair detangler from The Honest Company, so that your long-haired little won't hate having their luscious locks brushed. Now that you aren't dreading such a basic everyday task, maybe you can let your hair down a little, too!

    a closeup of the bottle

    20. A Tide To Go pen, because one of the occupational hazards of raising littles is them getting stains on your clothes. See ya, tiny handprint-shaped tomato sauce stains!

    The pen next to a shirt with a stain on it

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.