

-My names Kathleen, but I prefer to be called Katt. -I once had someone ask me, "You wear pretty much whatever you want, don't you?" My reply was yes, yes I do. -I hate stupid people. When most people say it, they usually mean they hate people that say something and it doesn't make sense, or they ask a question because they don't know or understand something. Also, they tend to be stupid people themselves. Don't let my bubbley, cheerful nature confuse you for someone who isn't bright. Just because I'm smiling at you when you say something, doesn't mean I'm not thinking about how much of an ignoramus you are and how much I would love to shove you off a cliff to ensure that you don't spread your stupidity into the gene pool. -No, I'm not waif thin. Never have been, never will be. I'm happy with the fact that I enjoy eating and cooking food. I also like the fact that I have muscle tone and can kick your scrawny, pathetic ass. -"Do unto others I would have them do unto you." Thats why I'm nice to everyone, even stupid people. Who knows, perhaps if I'm nice to the right person, when they go on a shooting spree later on in life, they will remember my kindness and spare my life. I kind of enjoy this whole being alive thing. -I love music, almost any kind of music. Except reggae. It's just not my thing. I even like some country, but not reggae. -I'm not emo. I don't sit around and constantly think about how hard and difficult my life is, because it really isn't. It could always be worse. -I'm not scene. I can't get my head that fair up my ass. I just don't have that big of an ego. Also, if I really cared about how others saw me ("Omigod, she is sooo cool, she, like, dresses all alternative, just like all those people in the magazines."), then I just wouldn't be me. I wear what I wear, I act the way I act, and I say what I say all for me, not to please you. -If you feel the urge to label me, thats your choice. Go ahead and waste your time sitting around trying to think of something to call me. If you have that much time on your hands, and giving me a name is that important, maybe you should get a hobby. -Yes, I dye my hair. Alot. I do it because it's fun, and because I like to. If I wanted to be like the rest of you, I would have kept my blonde hair, starved myself to be Angelina Jolie thin, and I would be wearing nothing but Abercrombie's Bitch or American Shmeagle. -I don't like people. I don't like talking to them, I don't like being around them, I don't like seeing them. I like drawing them. Why? Because they are quiet, and if they're quiet, that means they can't say anything stupid. -I love movies. Old ones, new ones, even some lame ones. -I enjoy reading when I have the time. Yes, I read books out of my own free will. I know, it's a shocker. -Because I love reading, I enjoy writing as well. The written word is a beautiful thing; that is, depending on who is working with them. Once again, even stupid people can ruin something as wonderful as the written word. Now, if you would be so kind as to go away. I have some people ignoring to do. Sayonar.

Feb 2011
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