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    19 Thoughts Every Girl Has Had When Transitioning From A Side Part To A Middle Part

    Not for the faint of part.

    So today is a new day and you want to ~~spice~~ up your look.

    The fine-toothed comb speaks to you.

    1. I do always wear my part on the same side of my head...

    2. I might as well try the middle part...

    3. I mean why not?

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    4. Middle parts are cool.

    5. Certifiably cool.

    6. Middle parts are posh.

    7. Middle parts are timeless.

    So you commit and take the comb to your hair.

    The deed has been done.

    8. Um, where did my forehead go?

    9. OK, how does my hair look greasy and stringy?

    10. SO STRINGY.

    11. AND FLAT.

    12. Why does my chin look so prominent?

    13. But what would Nick Carter do?

    14. What would Chris Kirkpatrick do?

    15. Do not back down. You can handle this.

    You enter the outside world with a newfound confidence.

    But then...

    "Did you change your hair?"—Everyone

    "You look different today." —People

    I love your middle part, they said. You can definitely pull it off, they said.

    16. What have I done?

    17. I must return to my old ways.

    18. The side is calling me.

    19. Ah, much better.

    Moral of the story: