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    Top Five Cringeworthy Moments Of Belle Gibsons 60 Minutes Interview.

    Disgraced blogger and creator of the Whole Food app and cookbook, Belle Gibson, recently sat down with Tara Brown of 60 minutes to 'clarify' her position regarding her fake cancer claims. The only problem was, she couldn't even clarify her own age...and it only gets worse.

    1. That awful pink sweater!

    I don't know who was in charge of styling Belle for that interview, but we can only assume that they were one of the many people that hated her. There were so many things wrong with that jumper, from the colour, to the style and the way it clashed with her bright pink lips and cheeks. Just awful.

    You're about to be watched by hundreds and thousands of people. Your face will tarnish the cover of news sites, magazines and social media and THAT'S the jumper you want to be wearing?

    I mean, we've all seen Belle's instgram pics, she's not exactly unstylish by any means, so that must mean that this choice in outfit had a purpose, it's just not quite obvious enough what that purpose was.

    It's not like fashion is super important really, but was it really necessary to provide a train wreck for both our ears and eyes? Come on.

    2. When she said she was still planning to donate her book profits to charity...

    Well, you also said that you had an inoperable brain tumour, a heart condition and that you died on the operating table (twice) and that didn't turn out to be true, so forgive us Belle if we're having a little trouble taking you by your word at this present moment.

    You say that you've taken your books to your accountant, you say it's still in the process of being sorted, you say that you're sorry (kind of). You say a lot of things lady, but no longer are we hanging on your every word.

    The only thing we're doing is kicking ourselves for spending the $3.79 on your app and contributing to this monstrosity.

    3. When Tara schooled her, like a billion times.

    Tara Brown has become a lounge room hero after the 60 minutes episode went to air on Sunday night. It felt less like an interview and more like a mother scolding her child for bad behaviour. I thought at one point she was going to send Belle to her room, with no TV for a week. It was different, unorthodox and relentless, but it worked.

    Rather than sitting quietly and nodding as Belle spun some kind of story, Tara laid into her, calling her on all of her bullshit. Unbiased journalism? Maybe not, but in this case the public got what they wanted, which was to see Belle floundering in the spotlight and explaining just what the hell she was thinking!

    The biggest schooling of all, was in the shows wrap up, when Tara revealed medical records that showed that Belle did in fact have a brain scan in 2011 (at least that part was true), however after a face-to-face conversation with a REAL doctor, she was told that she did not have a brain tumour, two years before she revealed contradicting information via instagram....

    4. When she couldn't recall her own age...

    At this point in the interview, Tara Brown was obviously quite pissed off. In fact, she was pissed off from the very beginning, but who can blame her really? So, she tried to give Belle the opportunity to tell the truth about something (anything) asking a simple question, one that we wouldn't hesitate to ask a toddler.

    "How old are you?"

    Belle's face looked shifty, as if Tara has just asked her if she knew a good place to buy drugs from. She thinks for a moment and responds:

    "I've been raised as being currently a 26 year old".

    "I live knowing as I have always known that I am 26."

    "I believe that I am 26."

    Tara persists, believing Belle to actually be 23. When asked (for a third time) if her REAL age is 23, she responds with, 'correct'. (WTF Belle?)

    5. When she (kind of) admitted to turning people away from conventional medicine.

    Initially she was adamant that she was "not an expert in anyone else's health," and does not take responsibility for their choices. However when Brown points out that she was targeting her message to an extremely vulnerable community and that by telling this community that she had given up conventional medicinal treatment and was finding success through alternative methods, that she was directly feeding them false information.

    Finally, she surrendered.

    But she did not do so willingly. After being pressed by Brown, Belle finally said that she did not intend to drive people away from tradition medicine, but she "accepts that might have happened.

    There's that damn pink turtle neck again! It must have been her own choice to wear that thing!