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    20 Times "Teen Wolf" Perfectly Captured How You Feel During A Breakup

    Sure they may have thought they were talking about werewolves and banshees, but we know they were really helping us deal with our emotional baggage.

    1. When you're fighting a lot and can sense that it's coming:

    2. When your ex breaks up with you and then asks why you're freaking out:

    3. When you feel worthless right after you're cast aside:

    4. When you're feeling super dramatic about being alone forever:

    5. When everyone says you'll have to face your ex at some point so you should just get it over with as soon as possible:

    6. When you see your ex in public but aren't able to talk to them:

    7. When you're at the club and you see your ex even LOOK at someone else:

    8. When hysterical crying showers turn into angrily plotting revenge showers:

    9. When your friends' lives seems to be perfect while yours is in shambles:

    10. When you keep dating and breaking up with the same type of person over and over again:

    11. When you're sexually frustrated but not emotionally ready to get back out there:

    12. When you question your sex appeal:

    13. When a nosy friend wants to know the details of why you broke up:

    14. When you and your ex are forced to spend time together and they try to act like everything is normal:

    15. When your ex tries to get back into your good graces by complimenting your look:

    16. When you seem fine on the outside and everyone tells you that you're handling the breakup so well:

    17. When you still feel the same way about your ex even after they broke your heart:

    18. When you are watching The Notebook again:

    19. When you're ready to move on and need to brush up on your flirting techniques:

    20. And when you find someone new and have to get used to a whole new batch of crazy: