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    I had some sort of epiphany a few days ago about the life of a woman. I like to call it an epiphany rather than a nervous breakdown because it makes me sound socially accepted.

    -this is literally what my best friend has to deal with on a daily basis-

    Yesterday evening, after a particularly lame, boring day stuck at home doing some writing for university - I decided it would be a good idea to spam by bestest chummy's phone with random texts. Sophie was working an evening shift at work so I knew she MOST LIKELY wouldn't reply straight away. Fine.

    What started my texts to her was this; I scrolled through Facebook and saw that youtuber Anna Sacconejoly had posted a new selfie - She looked ABSOLUTELY beautiful. She was glowing, her skin looked incredible and her hair looked like it had been styled by angels. I basically love Anna Sacconejoly.

    Instantly I picked up my phone and felt the need to alert Soph to this particular selfie, so she too could marvel in the beauty that is our favourite Irish youtuber. I say 'our' because we are basically a package deal and have used this term many times; 'We need to re-purchase our favourite shampoo', 'What's our favourite mascara called again?' and so on.

    Anyway, I digress. So here I was, marvelling in Anna Sacconejoly's Irish beauty when I was overcome with the feeling of inadequacy. I ended up texting Soph at least 7 sporadic texts explaining how I felt by using a garden metaphor; I LITERALLY text my best friend saying this:

    "Anna Sacconejoly is beautiful I hate everything" followed by, "I'm such a fucking potato, I'M JUST A NORTHERN POTATO, Not even a nicely presented jacket potato that everyone wants, a fuckin spud from a muddy garden with a wart on that gets thrown over the alley wall and is unwanted, I look like an inedible,unappealing, muddy, warty potato that is alone in a garden of pretty, tall, skinny carrots with amazing hair."

    I basically had a mini nervous breakdown over a selfie. It was at this point Soph decided it was okay to laugh at me which was fine, I admit, I was very proud of the hilarity of the garden metaphor (I even chucked at myself a little bit in the midst of my breakdown).

    After it was all over and I'd calmed down a little bit, I started thinking kinda seriously about how much women tend to feel inadequate or unattractive after seeing other women's selfies. Granted my rant to Soph was a joke, I was intending to be funny and I really wasn't bothered by it. I don't feel like a potato, much less a warty potato, and I'm pretty happy with who I am but just the thought of some women genuinely feeling like that made me a little bit sad.

    Of course, no woman who posts a selfie does it in a gloating manner - no one posts a selfie and thinks, 'I really hope another female sees this and feels like absolute dog shit', at least I hope no one does.

    After this realisation, I felt bad. I felt like I'd been a bit rude to Anna, who will never even know I exist!, but I felt like I was saying she didn't deserve to show off her beautiful face because it made me feel bad.

    All women are beautiful, all men are beautiful. If you're having a damn good face day and you've perfected your liner flicks and your contour is on absolute fleek, show us! show me! I wanna see it and marvel at your pretty face.

    I'm lucky enough that I'm comfortable in my own skin and I can appreciate that no, I don't look like a potato but I feel good that I can appreciate how god damn beautiful this woman looked in a selfie.

    Show each other appreciation, ladies. Who the fuck cares if a guy thinks you look 'hot'? I'd rather be told by a woman that my brows/ liner looks incredible than that my ass looks good in my jeans by a guy. (thank you to the sweet girl at work on Friday night who told me she liked my tattoo and my moon necklace)

    Celebrate each other girls, we're amazing.