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    What It's Like Waiting For Your Crush To Text Back As Told By Taylor Swift

    "Drop everything now" AND TEXT ME BACK.

    We all know texting your crush is an exciting experience.

    Nothing else matters at that moment in time except for coming up with the perfect text.

    And when you finally come up with what to say and press send you are PUMPED.

    So 30 minutes goes by with no response and you start to get a little nervous.

    But, it's okay. He's probably just napping or teaching underprivileged kids how to read. So you keep waiting.

    OKAY SO NOW IT'S BEEN TWO HOURS. What if he's been texting another girl?

    So you call your friends because they become your own personal cheerleaders in times like this.

    And they're all like "He's going to respond" but since it's been 4 hours you know they are just saying that to be nice.

    Then you see that all their boys are texting them back and you are just about through with everybody.

    And now it's been 5 hours so you now hate love more than Kanye loves Kanye.

    You try to keep it together on the outside but on the inside you're all like...

    And now you're less sad and more mad. Like it's so rude to not respond to a text.

    Why even flirt with me in person if you don't want to communicate elsewhere??!!

    Now I'm over it. Time to pick myself up and move on.

    Wait he's typing.


    Okay why was I even worried in the first place? He was probably just trying to play it cool.

    Because what guy wouldn't want to text you.

    Now life is back as it should be.