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    Why Forever 21 Isn't As Great As It Seems

    This review shows you the problems of Forever 21 you probably didn't notice. Get a fashionista's point of view.

    Dear fashionista's,

    today I visited "Forever 21", a shop for teens, although you might find a granny every now and then. As I stepped into the vibrant store I noticed they were stocked up with new spring trends. The store was organized by patterns; dark patterns towards the back and glowing florals in the front. As I walked throughout the store I could see many rip-offs of other stores. Popular brands like: American Apparel, Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters and Free People, are huge influences on the store. Although the store took many ideas from others I could see many designs all their own. I waked over to the jewelry section and was intrigued by many of their accessories. I found that many of their necklaces broke in my hand, I would not recommend the jewelry. I was disappointed of the lack of plaid since it's all the rage right now. As I went further in the back of the store I discovered their bikinis. Black bikinis with many straps are very in right now and they had lots to choose from. What I was fairly enraged by was they did not carry many small's which is my size. Finally I was ready to try on what I had swiped up; the first thing I noticed when I was in the dressing room was the revolting floor, it has a huge discoloration stain on the floor boards. Also the lack of racks to hold my stuff on was frustrating. OVIOUSlLY I don't want to leave my clothes on that floor; and, I was only provided 3 racks for all my garments, so I had to make do. Once I got through the rack shortage I noticed how cheep my items were; for pretty cheap it's good quality.

    All in all forever 21 is a well put together store with some errors; I would visit again.

    Good luck shoppers,
