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    Personal Code Of Ethics

    K. Smith - LDR 4204

    Why am I developing a code of ethics? I feel it's important to establish a guideline to gauge my decisions and see if they are what I wished to achieve. Without a guideline, how can I make sure I am on the right path? When I think of a set of ethical guides, respect, honesty, and hard work spring immediately into mind. These values are what shaped where I am in life and I continue to implement them further into my life.

    So then, why did I chose the values that I did? From day one, my parents, as well as teachers, taught that in order to be respected, you must respect others. Respect is often the most important link (along with trust) between individuals and, once broken, is the hardest to repair. Being respectful goes a very far distance in the minds of others. Many people will remember those who treated them fairly and hold them close to the heart, but will also remember those who were not and never wish to deal with them. Respect can then be further reinforced by honesty. Being honest with people, even when the truth upsets them, is needed because at the end of the day, you have given the truthful information to them and can fall back on that without formulating lies to cover up the truth. Put simply, it's easier to be honest and take the upset from others instead of lying, giving people false security, and then worrying if they'll ever figure out the truth and be even more upset with you. The ethical value that is the trickiest sometimes for me, but the most rewarding when looking back on all of the achievements in life is hard work. Since I started kindergarten back in 2000, my academic life has been focused on going above and beyond just average. What has come from that? Multiple honor roll placements, scholarships, and acceptance into the University of South Florida, that's what. But working hard in just academics is not enough. In addition to being a full-time student, I also work part-time (25 hours per week on average). Trying to balance having to go to school while also having to go to work is never easy and stressful to the point of wanting to quit sometimes, however, realizing how far I have come from previous years and how much I have to lose if I give in makes me strive to continue and want more. Sometimes, I reflect on all of the achievements over the years with my mom and dad and seeing the happiness in their expressions and the happy tone of their voices emphasizes the importance of all my hard work.

    "I will continue to and maintain respect with others."

    "I will learn to understand the other person's disappointment better when being honest."

    "I will continue to work even harder."

    "I will continue to reflect on my ethics."

    "I will set a good example."

    "I will not stop trying to improve myself"