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    ­­­­­­101 Pest Control Tips: The Ultimate Spring Season Pest Makeover

    When it comes to tackling household pests, you can never have too many tips. And in the spirit of pest control 101, we have taken this rather literally, and have come up with 101 much needed hints, techniques and remedies for tackling those unwanted visitors the finer weather brings in.

    So, without further ado, here is the ultimate pest busting list that should cover most of your needs…

    1. Plug in sonic repellents around your home to deal with both insects and rodents

    2. Sprinkling human urine around your garden will deter all foxes

    3. Sprinkle used cat litter around your garden to deter rodents

    4. Leaving the radio on at night should deter foxes

    5. Install electric fencing with harmless low voltage to deter larger garden mammals

    6. Well placed mirrors in the garden can scare off foxes

    7. Keep a cat as a pet to keep mice and rats at bay

    8. Terrier dogs are great rat catchers when combined with devices that smoke rats out of hiding

    9. Keep your dog clean to avoid house fleas and comb cats and dogs regularly

    10. Store food in sealed airtight containers so no pests can access the food

    11. Vacuuming the whole house regularly will keep small insects and their eggs under control

    12. Vacuum your mattress when you change your sheets

    13. Keep food stored at low temperatures to avoid giving off an attractive aroma

    14. Block up any potential entry points to your property, such as holes and cracks in walls

    15. Put down baited live mousetraps around the edges of rooms for a humane option

    16. Pheromone moth traps lure in male moths, thereby reducing house moth problems

    17. Keep your kitchen clean and free from crumbs at all times

    18. De-clutter your house as much as possible to minimise the number of places pests have to lurk in and breed

    19. Keep a sink guard in your plugholes to avoid visits from rats

    20. Have a one way rat-flap fitted in your drains for the same purpose

    21. Seal up gaps in window frames and doors so that no one can crawl through

    22. Launder your sheets, pillow cases and blankets regularly

    23. Wash bed linen at high temperatures to avoid any bed bug problems

    24. Don't buy second-hand furniture to avoid introducing a variety of insects

    25. Trim back bushes and shrubs to discourage rodents from nesting or hiding

    26. Clear your garden of weeds and keep the grass short

    27. Be sure to fix any leaky pipes or taps and keep bathrooms dry

    28. Dispose of any standing water in your garden, as this attracts insects

    29. Pigeon netting is one thing that can be used to deter pigeons

    30. Plastic owls, or in some cases hawks, work well because pigeons tend to want to avoid predators

    31. One more thing that can be effective is installing anti pigeon spikes

    32. Seal clothes on zip lock bags to prevent moth larvae from chewing them

    33. Do not let rubbish build up in the kitchen bins

    34. Clear out any piles of garden cuttings or compost to limit nesting for rats.

    35. Plant a mint bush. Rats hate the smell of mint.

    36. Putting down poisoned bait boxes is still the best method to stop rodents.

    37. Inspect food or fabrics that your bring into your home for signs of moth infestation

    38. Wasps can become very territorial and aggressive when protecting a nest, so beware

    39. If you see one or two ants, beware of more to follow as these may be scouts

    40. Heat treatment for bed bugs is the most effective method as it kills eggs as well as insects

    41. Buy lockable dustbins to prevent foxes from getting in

    42. Mice don't really respond much to cheese, they prefer chocolate

    43. Wash (thoroughly with hot water) or destroy all pet bedding after your pet is treated for fleas

    44. Lavender oil applied topically to your skin is a great natural insect repellent

    45. Squirting ants with soapy water stops them giving off a chemical scent their fellow ants follow

    46. Order ladybirds online. Release then into your garden to eat aphids

    47. Don't grow flowery plants right next to the house as they attract a lot of different types of stinging insects

    48. Cover food that must be left out with a gauze netting to keep flies from landing on it

    49. Make sure that you screen your chimney vent to prevent mice entering this way

    50. Avoid wearing something covered with flowery designs, as there is a good chance you will be attractive to bees or wasps.

    51. Keep the basement and attic dry and ventilated, as cockroaches love a dark, damp environment

    52. Opt for children's drinks that are less sugary to reduce the attraction of wasps

    53. Some natural moth repellents are cedar wood, cedar oil, lemon peel, mint or eucalyptus leaves, cinnamon sticks and cloves.

    54. Dispose of the vacuum bag or wash the hoover after vacuuming bugs, fleas or moths

    55. Many of the types of moth in UK homes start to become active at dusk

    56. Avoid allergies by keeping cockroaches at bay. They are as bad as dust and pollen in the UK

    57. Bed bugs can travel home with you from hotels, so take measures to wash and clean everything as soon as you return home

    58. Use rat snap traps for a quick and painless rat kill.

    59. Wash textiles well before storing to ensure that moth eggs don't get stored with them

    60. Use Ammonia. Ammonia is considered to be a top-notch rat deterrent.

    61. Insects are becoming increasingly resistant to conventional pest control chemicals

    62. Fine mesh can be used on the windows to restrict the entry of flying insects

    63. Clothing with dried human sweat on them are very attractive to clothing moths

    64. Peanut butter tends to work as the best bait for all rat species

    65. Introduce lacewing larvae to eat aphids in your garden

    66. Spraying lemon juice where ants come in repels them

    67. Naphthalene balls, created from organic compounds are an efficient way to deter rats

    68. Vinegar and rosemary can be used to repel pests such as ants, fleas, ticks and bugs

    69. Peppermint oil and lavender are scents that drive rodents away

    70. Sprinkle salt around the edge of kitchen counters and floors to deter ants

    71. Salt will kill slugs in the garden

    72. Don't squash wasps as it releases a chemical alarm that signals other wasps in the area to attack

    73. Leave saucers of beer out at night in the garden to trap slugs, who are attracted to beer but drown in it

    74. Hanging sticky fly paper in kitchen areas or food preparation areas is a good way to trap flies

    75. To reduce flea bite frequency for pets give them a vitamin B supplement

    76. Battery operated, hand-held bug catchers are good for sucking up all kinds of insects

    77. Wasps may be attracted to scents, such as perfumes, hair spray, suntan lotions, cosmetics, deodorants and aftershave

    78. Pink, yellow or orange tinted light bulbs are less attractive to flying insects than standard bulbs

    79. Baited traps can be used to catch wasps

    80. Wear shoes in the garden to avoid accidentally stepping on a wasp or bee

    81. When outdoors use a lid and straw for sweet drinks

    82. Store recycling materials away from the house in a container with a tight fitting lid

    83. You can use either sticky paper or a small tub of soapy water to catch attracted fleas.

    84. Place exterior lights away from the walls of your house to reduce the number of flying insects near your windows and doors

    85. Rinse jars, tins and containers before putting in the recycling

    86. Clear leftover food from the sink pipe with baking soda and vinegar followed after five minutes by boiling water

    87. Use a spray mister with diluted essential oils of geranium, lavender and tea tree to repel mosquitoes

    88. Trap fruit flies with a glass of apple cider vinegar covered with cling film with small holes

    89. Sprinkling a handful of crushed bay leaf in places you want to deter cockroaches from is effective

    90. Put a mesh cover over vents to stop flying or crawling insects entering

    91. Put a wooden board on the soil and snails will shelter under it in the rain. Remove the board with snails attached.

    92. If you have carp in a pond throw in any slugs you have collected and they will be gobbled up

    93. Use wire wool to block up holes where mice may enter

    94. Place towels on the spots where your dog or cat likes to nap. Wash the towels on a hot wash to kill flea eggs

    95. Sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth in the garden where your pets sit. This will kill insects such as fleas

    96. Grow pots of basil in your kitchen – flies detest the smell

    97. Spray or wipe unsweetened lemon or lime juice mixed with water on all your countertops, walls, doorways and windowsills to repel spiders

    98. Grow catnip, as it drives mosquitoes away

    99. Boric acid is effective against cockroaches, who may carry it back to their nests

    100. To prevent fruit flies, store fruit in the fridge

    101. Bay leaves may be effective in keeping crawling insects off your kitchen counters