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    8 Biggest WTFs When You're Single

    Being single is like being an introvert. The internet makes lists about you until it hurts. In no particular order, singledom's WTF moments.

    1. You notice how catty other girls can be


    No seriously, wtf? Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'll take all your dude-prospects. Or eat all your leftover cookies. I'm not even hungry.

    2. Rejection


    You're single by choice, right? You don't really want that hot, charming person that bad, right? You're amazing, RIGHT? SO WHY DON'T THEY WANT YOU?!

    3. Seeing old couples makes you cry


    You are an iceberg. You are a steely rod and other items that are hard to break. So why did that commercial with the old couple using freaking Swiffer products in their old-ass house make you cry?! WHY?

    4. People expect you to go nuts and dance when "Single Ladies" starts playing


    OMG, that song came out like 2 break-ups ago. Can I not attempt to look like a fool in the shadow of King Bey's perfect and impossible dance moves? Now, if you're alone in your room - all bets are off.

    5. "You can't expect someone to love you if you don't love yourself first"


    Bitch, I'm perfect. I love myself so much that I literally and figuratively say "I love you" to myself every day. YOU go love yourself. I love me (and dipping sticks).

    6. "You're being too shallow"


    Pretty sure this little girl knows what I'm talking about. 'Nuff said.

    7. When you're clear about staying single and the other person develops feelings for you


    Here I was - all happy and devoid of feels until you came along and decided I'm awesome enough to bother every day.

    8. Finding yourself in a relationship after you swore you'd enjoy being single


    Okay, it's not THAT awful.

    9. Correction


    If you're single and enjoying it - yay for you! And if a relationship comes along - enjoy it too! Both experiences can be awesome, and admittedly a little shitty; just like life.