14 Details You Probably Didn't Notice In The Last Season Of "Black Mirror"

    EVERYTHING is connected.

    You probably binged the third season of Black Mirror like everyone else, which means you missed a lot of the little details. Warning! This post contains...

    1. The White Bear logo appears briefly in the virtual-reality holes in the episode "Playtest."


    If you remember, White Bear was a reality show–style prison in which Victoria, a woman accused of kidnapping and murdering children, was publicly tortured.


    If you remember, White Bear was a reality show–style prison in which Victoria, a woman accused of kidnapping and murdering children, was publicly tortured.


    If you remember, White Bear was a reality show–style prison in which Victoria, a woman accused of kidnapping and murdering children, was publicly tortured.

    2. In fact, that same case that Victoria was convicted and tortured for was the reason Blue, from the episode "Hated in the Nation," left her job.

    3. The same Victoria appears as one of the possible victims of the #DeathTo trending topic in the same episode.

    4. TCKR is the name of the company that made both the horror game in "Playtest" and the "San Junipero" cloud.


    5. In fact, on that same magazine cover there's a wink toward Granular, the killer robo-bee company.

    6. Prime Minister Michael Callow, who got down and dirty with a pig in the first season of Black Mirror, appears in one of the news items in the episode "Shut Up and Dance".

    7. If you were wondering if Shou Saito ever gets caught for experimenting on humans, rest assured that he does not.

    8. In that same episode, another news ticker reveals that the cookies from "White Christmas" have been granted human rights.


    Sorry, Jon Hamm.


    Sorry, Jon Hamm.


    Sorry, Jon Hamm.

    9. Yet another news ticker also gives us a clue about the chronology of the Black Mirror universe.

    10. The song that Raiman sings in the episode "Men Against Fire" is the same song Abi sings in the Season 2 episode "Fifteen Million Merits."

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    11. In the episode "Nosedive," one of the top-rated posts on the social network everyone is obsessed with is from a man named Michael Callow.

    12. In the episode "Hated in the Nation," his name also appears as one of the trending topics, alongside a topic about freeing the "White Bear One."

    13. Kenny, the main character from the episode "Shut Up and Dance," has a sticker of the Waldo character on his laptop.

    14. Most of Yorkie's '80s looks in "San Junipero" are clear references to popular movies and music videos of the time.

    This post was translated from Spanish.