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    Women Who Were Crushing It Even 100 Years Ago

    Back in 1916, girl power was going pretty strong

    Activist Emma Goldman was arrested for lecturing on birth control

    US Women Were FINALLY Allowed To Grace Men With Their Presence At Boxing Matches

    March 25th, 1916 marks one small step for women interested in boxing one giant leap for woman kind. US women were granted the opportunity to watch Jess Willard vs. Frank Moran for the first time since women were seen as fragile creatures.

    **However, they were allowed allowed to attend if they provided sandwiches for everyone in attendance**

    Voters in East Cleveland approve of women's suffrage.

    Mary Pickford became the first female film star to get a million dollar contract

    Jeannette Rankin became the first female representative elected to Congress.

    Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic in the United States.

    Now ladies, lets make this year count so that in 2116, someone will be reading about what we did!