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    10 Irrational Thoughts You Have While Waiting For Him To Text You Back

    Because women be cray sometimes

    1. He must be dead.

    Doing something heroic of course.

    2. I wonder if he’s driving? If he is, it’s good that he is not texting me back.

    He is just being safe.

    3. Did my last message even make sense? (read over it 25x) Yes, it did.

    I know how to spell.

    4. Maybe he is busy, at work, in the shower?

    He wouldn't text at work, he's responsible.

    5. He probably hates me

    Why did I think I had a chance?

    6. He wants nothing to do with me.

    He probably thinks I smell.

    7. He thinks I’m clingy.

    I only stalk him occasionally.

    8. Why did I text him?!?

    I've just made a terrible mistake.

    9. I will never text him ever again!!!

    He is the dumbest person I have ever met!

    Bzzzz --------text message from him----------

    10. I’m crazy……..

    I need help.