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    20 Things You Should Have Learnt In Your 20s

    Twenties can be your formative years and even though it is possible to make changes later in life, these early lessons will make your thirties slightly easier...

    Always live within your means. Don't spend more than you earn even if it means staying in every other weekend.Never fall into a debt trap. It's the worst.Start working towards your first investment. You will be a little more relaxed in your thirties.Don't abuse your body- metabolism just gets slower after 25.Send your parents flowers- it will make them happier and trust me, you will never regret it.Never date or sleep with someone just for validation, do it only if you are attracted to the person. The memory of a great fling or romance is dependent on how you truly felt about it.Alone time is important. You need to be comfortable being by yourself before you can be with anyone else.Travel is important. It helps you grow and opens up your mind. It is one of the best educations one can receive.Sometimes you need to put your foot down. As Arianna Huffington says: 'No' is a perfectly complete sentence. You have to stop people from walking all over you.You won't get what you deserve without asking for it. Your boss won't just award you with a raise unless you make him/her realize why you deserve it.Spend time with people who add value to your life because they are your reality check and will help you grow as a person.Sometimes you have to be selfish. Yes, some people will be disappointed in you but it doesn't matter. You don't have to go out to dinner in the last minute if you don't want to and you don't have to work till 9 PM at the cost of going to the gym or cooking a healthy meal.Don't follow fashion trends blindly- wear something that looks good on you. Trust me, even Angelina Jolie will agree with this.If you have siblings try your best to have a healthy relationship with them. After your parents are no longer around- they are all you have.Save money. Enough said.Work on your friendships. Every relationship requires some amount of effort and friendships are as important as family or a significant other.Be mindful of your reputation, especially in a professional environment. Unfortunately most people want to believe the worst in you and once they see something they can gossip about, they will never let it go.Create a work life balance. You can only be productive if the other aspects of your life are fulfilling as well.Learn how to cook. You don't have to host Christmas, but knowing your way around the kitchen is, in a weird way just another step towards independence.Keep the faith. It doesn't matter in what; just keep the faith, in something or someone.