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    Cringeworthy Stuff From The Star Wars Prequels

    The Star Wars Prequels had some really bad moments... which is kinda saying something...

    As with many fans of the original Star Wars movies, I am not a fan of the Star Wars Prequels. However, I did not loathe the Prequel Trilogy as many fans did. Mostly the movies were prety forgettable to me, yet there are of course scenes that stick out as tremendously bad in my mind.

    I love myself some movieish type stuff and for that reason, I thought I'd share with you some Prequel Trilogy Cringeworthiness!


    Jar Jar Binks


    Obi-Wan's "Another pathetic life form" Comment

    The Bi-Secting of Darth Maul

    This Guy

    "I don't like sand..."

    Boba Fett's Origin

    Count Dooku

    "This party's over!"

    R2-D2's Murder Rampage

    Super Battle Droid Voices

    General Grievous

    "Unlimited Power!"



    That's it! That's really all I think of when I think Star Wars Prequels. Not quite the legacy you envisioned now is it Mr. Lucas?

    On the whole, I really couldn't say I hated the movies... I mean, yeah... the prequels weren't all that great, especially when compared with the originals... but I still do enjoy going back and having a laugh at this stuff! I hope you can too!


    Justin Christopher Davis is an avid watcher of movies, television and YouTube videos as well as a general enthusiast of video games and music and other stuff... to find out more, visit his website at