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    Absurdly Epic Games

    Get some insight on the gaming channel I just started!

    Recently, I started doing YouTube videos of my own playthroughs of video games. It might sound a bit odd but it turns out that video game playthroughs are a very popular type of video... potentially because they allow you a preview of the item you plan to spend $60 on. That's only one possible reason though. I discuss more in a video on my main YouTube channel, Absurdly Epic Tales!

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    After some internal debate, I decided to start my own playthrough of video games! I eventually decided that, in anticipation of doing uploads of video games videos every week, I should create a separate channel just for the majority of videos as I'm trying not to clog up peoples YouTube feeds... which may be a bit presumptuous as people would have to subscribe to me first but I feel it'd be better to be prepared in this instance.

    I plan to upload to my original channel as well, but I really intend to keep my gaming channel for games!

    I felt my mind racing with possibilities at what games I might play for the channel and some of them are a bit beyond the capabilities of my current PC so I looked into building a new gaming machine that would be powerful enough to run any current game and games for the next few years without an upgrade!

    Whatever Fantasy PC Build Part 1

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    Whatever Fantasy PC Build Part 2

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    Needless to say, any machine I built was well out of my price range. But recently, Steam, a computer game digital service, had a big sale. I bought many, many games because of this and some of them don't run on my current machine... as I found out to my dismay.

    Yet, I found a good replacement video card through that I expect will do the trick!

    Now I've returned to trying to figure out which games I want to play for my channels! I am of course hoping that everything goes smoothly with this new card although many of the games I plan to play do not require this new video card! I'm also hoping that it will quiet down the noise that the fans on my PC put out but at this time, that's not my priority!

    So here they are, in no particular order, some of the games that I will be playing either a bit on my original channel or on my gaming channel!

    NOTE: This probably won't be a complete list either but just a rundown of games that made me want to do this!

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    I am currently playing the Lego Marvel Superhero series on my channel. I know I have a ways to go before I'm good at the video game video, but this is what really made me realize that I enjoyed it!

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    This is another series I am starting to play on my channel. I think it will mostly be on my gaming channel but exclusives may pop up on my main channel from time to time! Unfortunately, I can't really play through the story mode in this one because my software exits the game when I try but I can get the skirmishes so most pf the carnage is always intact... plus, this is one of my favorite games so I plan to do as much of this as I can!

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    Along with Saint's Row, I also plan on doing some Grand Theft Auto... currently, I'm playing San Andreas since I never played it but I also have GTA 4 and Liberty City Stories... plus the classic top down GTAs which should be interesting.

    GTA is a bit dryer and more gritty and realistic than Saint's Row, making me like it a bit less but wackiness still ensues and I think they will make for very entertaining vids.

    Of course that is not all of the games I would like to play... I have a bunch more myself... but even just what I've talked about will probably take some time... even with multiple episodes every week. And then there are so many others that have yet to come out... I really just don't know!

    But if you're interested in gaming and/or watching some random guy on the internet play games, please come on by and take a look at what's going on!


    Justin Christopher Davis is an avid watcher of movies, television and YouTube videos as well as a general enthusiast of video games and music and other stuff... to find out more, visit his website at