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15 GIFs That Pretty Much Sum Up The Epic Fail That Is Congress

This definitely isn't the first time they've let us down, but our elected officials sure have been on a hot streak lately. First the government shuts down, then they raise the debt ceiling which already exceeds $17 Trillion, and all of this is going to start again in 3 months? I guess we might as well laugh about it.

chesterlockhart 10 years ago

35 Ridiculous Pictures Of Children On Leashes

The child some point we as humans said to ourselves, "Yeah! If it's okay for a dog, why not a kid?" From the supermarkets of suburbia to the streets of New York City, to the cobblestone roads of "The Happiest Place on Earth," there is a child leashing epidemic sweeping the nation. Here are 35 of the most ridiculous sightings of children on leashes to date.

chesterlockhart 11 years ago