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    10 Things You Secretly Loved About Family Vacation

    As an angst ridden teen you always said you despised going on family vacation, but come on... you know you loved it. With the new safe, fuel efficient, and easy to drive Sports Utility Hybrid "Life Takes You There!"

    1. Your dad playing his old cassete tapes and singing to them at the top of his lungs.

    2. Stopping every 30 minutes so someone could go to the bathroom.

    3. Making fun of the people in the cars next to you while you were stuck in traffic for eternity.

    4. Annoying the bejesus out of your siblings!

    5. Your parents acting like more of a kid than you were.

    6. Playing board games, ALL the board games!

    7. Treating the hotel room like it's a DZ Discovery Zone.

    8. Seeing your dad totally wipeout on a boogie board.

    9. Pigging out every single night!

    10. Finally getting there after a million hour car ride!

    Whether you're taking the family on a road trip, driving a kid to college, or bringing a new one home the new, safe, fuel efficient and extremely affordable Sports Utility Hybrid will take you there because Life Takes You There. Where's your next vacation destination? #takemethere