20 Things Only People With Cold Hands Understand

    What's cooler than being cool? My hands!

    1. The fact that your hands are nothing more than frozen meat mittens.

    2. Being at risk for burns because you always put your hands too close to heaters and campfires.

    3. There is no just going ahead and touching someone.

    4. Always having a cup of coffee or tea in your hands.

    5. Hoping that science figures out a way to surgically implant these into your hands.

    6. Not knowing if you have bad circulation or if you're just part White Walker.

    7. Constantly blowing into your hands like a sickly Tiny Tim.

    8. Forgetting you have cold hands and touching yourself.

    9. Clothes with pockets are a must.

    10. Shaking someone's hand and knowing that they think you are a Dementor.

    11. You would wear gloves all of the time if you could.

    12. Relating to Mr. Freeze.

    13. All you want to do is hold hands without the other person thinking they are touching a corpse.

    14. Wondering if your hands will ever be warm again.

    15. Meeting someone who doesn't mind your death-like touch is a gift from heaven.

    16. People giving you odd looks when you have your hands in your armpits/are sitting on them.

    17. Hot water is never really hot enough for your hands.

    18. When people feel your cold hands and ask if you're OK.

    19. The pure joy of suddenly having warm hands for no reason.

    20. Knowing that this old saying is indeed true.