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    11 Reasons Why October Should Henceforth Be Known As Cagetober

    The Movie Doctor is dedicating the month of October to Nicolas Cage in all of his glory. Just in case you had any doubt that His Almighty Caginess needed a month of his own, here are some validating arguments:

    1. He looks great in Lisa Frank colors.

    2. He makes a much more enthusiastic King of Gondor than Aragorn.

    3. He has an original fruity taste.

    4. He makes it possible to enjoy your cupcakes in space.

    5. He was a very attractive First Lady.

    6. He knows how to rock 80's glam.

    7. He remains calm under pressure.

    8. His iconic portrayal of Wonder Woman.

    9. He knows how to win the ladies.

    10. We've already made an awesome logo.