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People Are Obsessed With How Hot This NBA Player Got After A Simple Haircut

Yup, the Utah Jazz's Gordon Hayward is one of the best-looking guys in basketball.

This is Gordon Hayward. In 2010, he was the ninth picked draft for the Utah Jazz. He also had a pretty basic dude haircut.

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Welp. Since 2010, things have changed for ol' Gordo. Mostly, he has way better hair now. WAY BETTER.

Observe the measurable difference in hotness.

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Hotness meter now off the charts.

Getty Images

Hotness meter now off the charts.

Getty Images

Hotness meter now off the charts.

Hayward used to get his hair cut by his wife but now gets his locks cut by Salt Lake City hairdresser Anthony Brown.

The 🔑 to Hayward's hair success? The blow-dryer.

So there you have it.

Gordon Hayward: good at basketballs.

Better at hair.