The Average American Dad Looks Pretty Great In 2017

    Pretty damn good.

    It's 2017 and we want to celebrate all the amazing dads out there. So, we recently asked dads from the BuzzFeed Community to share their "dad style," and here's what they sent us.

    1. They take on a lot...

    2. They get all dressed up for a night on the town.

    3. Or keep it super low-key.

    4. They subtly match their kids.

    5. And pose like pros.

    6. They bake!

    7. And they do hair.

    8. They adore the Magic Kingdom.

    9. And fine dining.

    10. They give good kisses.

    11. And know exactly how to cuddle.

    12. They're great nappers.

    13. In fact, naps are kind of their specialty.

    14. They teach tooth-brushing.

    15. And look super cool in sunglasses.

    16. They're never shy on a swing set.

    17. They like getting matchy-matchy.

    18. They go ice-skating.

    19. But they'll also veg out.

    20. They're the Waynes to our Garths.

    21. They're sometimes in awe.

    22. They bravely serve.

    23. They — somehow — do it all.

    24. And do it with a smile.

    Go on with your bad dad selves!

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