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    This Girl Looks So Much Like Taylor Swift It Will Freak You Out

    She's a doppelgänger dressed like a daydream.

    Quick quiz: Is this multizillion-dollar recording artist and all-time greatest squad-haver Taylor Swift?

    How about this?

    OK, how about this girl and her kangaroo?


    The girl in the first two photos is ~actually~ Keitra Jane. She's a junior at the University of Utah and a dead ringer for Taylor Swift.

    The psychology major says she's stopped all the time and asked for autographs. "My favorite was at Disney World. I took pictures with a lot of younger children and parents asked me not to reveal that I wasn't Taylor," Jane told BuzzFeed.

    The 21-year-old's gained thousands and thousands of Instagram followers — but she's actually doing something worthwhile with all of her Swift-related fame.

    "My goal is to work in the medical field with people who struggle with body dysmorphia and the behaviors that come with it," she told BuzzFeed.

    She's definitely not above having a little fun with her T. Swift resemblance, though. Like crashing a wedding: "I just got a message on Instagram from somebody who asked me to be in their wedding because their boyfriend loves Taylor Swift!"

    So, Taylor, what do you think? Can Keitra join your squad?