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    Yeah, This "Finding Dory" Makeover Is Fucking Terrifying

    Just keep blending, just keep blending.

    This is makeup artist and vlogger Chrisspy.

    And here she is again, as Dory, from Finding Dory.

    That's Chrisspy on the left and ~real~ Dory on the right.

    If you're sitting there going "WTF????" we'll explain. She starts with a bald cap.

    She then maps out her Dory face and starts filling it in with paint.

    In order to get the shape of Dory's face right, Chrisspy only painted three-quarters of her actual face.

    Dory's eyes are actually painted on way above Chrisspy's actual eyes.

    To make the fins, Chrisspy simply printed out an image of Dory and pinned and glued them to her bald cap.

    Et voila! It's Dory!

    Check out the full, beguiling tutorial here:

    View this video on YouTube