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    This Actress Stole All Of Her Instagram Photos From Other Famous Folks

    And then deleted them all.

    Ever heard of Spanish actress Anna Allen?

    Allen's a successful television actress in her native Spain.

    In all, she has more than 12 years of acting credits under her belt, including a seven year stint on the family drama Cuéntame.

    And just last month she was featured in Esquire Espanol.

    Allen recently boasted about attending the Oscars on her Instagram, after all.

    Except! The photo she posted? It was actually stolen off of Lupita Nyong'o's Insta.

    And that's not all. She posted a pic of her head on actress Kasia Smutniak's body on the red carpet.

    And claimed that she was guest-starring on The Big Bang Theory — going so far as to Photoshop herself into behind-the-scenes shots.

    She also stole several of actress Sophia Bush's Instagram photos.

    At times DIRECTLY co-opting the caption as well.

    She seems to really love Sophia Bush's 'gram feed.

    A lot.

    She 'shopped herself into a photo with Matt Bomer.

    This is the original.

    She even Photoshopped herself into a BBC show with Jonny Lee Miller.

    And the plot thickens. Allen's agency is called Green Air Agency. Or is it? Because their only client appears to be her.

    Or rather, appeared to be her. Since all of this blew up, they've disappeared. Which makes us think that, yeah, they're not real.

    Allen has shut down all of her social media accounts, but this Photoshopped pic of her remains up on her IMDB page.