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    Someone Figured Out A Hack To Make Super-Cool Disney Princess Eyeshadow Palettes


    You love Disney Princesses. Now there's a new way to share your obsession. MAKEUP PALETTES.

    A Reddit user has been making these cool AF custom Disney-inspired palettes from Inglot cosmetics' line of customizable shadows.

    They've got nearly 300 shadows in their collection, so it's easy to color-match.

    For example, if you're a big fan of Belle, here's the palette you'll want.

    How Beauty and the Beast is this?

    Love Tangled?

    Feeling Elsa's and Anna's looks in Frozen?

    Try these shades for Elsa.

    And this palette works great for Anna.

    All about Aurora? Go forth with the below palette.

    And BONUS! Here's a palette that'll give you the look of Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

    Not technically a princess, but a pretty cool anyway.