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    Literally Just 100 Memes That Perfectly Describe What It's Like To Work In Retail

    When they ask for the manager and you ARE the manager.

    1. On the breakroom:

    2. On opening shift:

    3. On jokes:

    4. On jokes, part II:

    5. On being over it:

    6. On ~teamwork~:

    7. On the tedium of existence:

    8. On the struggle:

    9. The struggle, part II:

    10. On the nightmare of weekend shifts:

    11. You know this feeling:

    12. On dumb questions:

    13. On the last customer of the night:

    14. Seriously, guys:

    15. On your post-work ritual:

    16. On customer coupons:

    17. On preteens:

    18. On how you get ready for work:

    19. It's something of a process:

    20. On the terror of the "clopen":

    21. On dealing with dummies:

    22. On how quick things go from 0 to total nightmare:

    23. On dumb things customers say:

    24. On faking it 'til you make it:

    25. On the importance of sleep:

    26. On determining your priorities:

    27. On the face you've perfected:

    28. And the OTHER one you've perfected:

    29. Ahem:

    30. On what you'd really like to say:

    31. For real:

    32. On terrible cell phone etiquette:

    33. On this dilemma:

    34. Who even is this person?

    35. On your trifling co-workers:

    36. Can't even with them:

    37. On how much the little things matter:

    38. Like helping out your friends:

    39. On people having no manners:

    40. On completely losing your mind for a sec:

    41. On delusional thinking:

    42. On hypocritical behavior:

    43. On really silly questions:

    44. On the chain reaction:


    46. Karma is real:

    47. On the real conundrum of your existence:

    48. TRUTH:

    49. On the Sisyphean hill you're constantly climbing with the merchandise.

    50. On the cold, hard truth:

    51. See also:

    52. On true cruelty:

    53. And BAD PLANNING:

    54. On...~mistakes~:

    55. What are words?

    56. Eh, it's fine:

    57. On true frustration:

    58. On handling the phones:

    59. On your "store personality":

    Working at the cashier, and you're forced to be friendly with a chatty customer. #RetailProblems #RetailHell

    60. Because what else are you supposed to do:

    61. On what you're really thinking:

    62. On dog creepin':

    63. No:

    64. No:

    65. Triple fucking no:

    66. When you betray your store family:

    67. Honestly:

    68. The pain of it all:

    69. On there being a time and a place for everything:

    70. On not being amused:

    71. When you want to say "good luck with that":

    72. No really, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT:

    73. When the truth hurts:

    74. And customers cannot see the obvious:

    75. On the lack of basic human decency:

    76. On people that are just so ~helpful~:

    77. On the depths of your patience:

    78. On entitlement:

    79. On the six most annoying words in the English language:

    80. On trying to "look busy":

    81. On the tension:

    82. On the last-minute change grab:

    83. When a customer clearly doesn't understand how these things work:

    84. On customer humor:

    85. On getting a bit of quiet time:

    86. On the difficulties of customer interactions:

    87. Really:

    88. Because honestly:

    89. On the magic words:

    90. What you'd really like to say:

    91. Because actually:

    92. On false intimacy:

    93. On false intimacy, part II:

    94. On bad timing:

    95. On rudeness:

    96. On small victories:

    97. On solidarity:

    98. On your basic instincts:

    99. On eventually figuring out how the job works:

    100. And finally, on getting the ultimate revenge: