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    This Rugby Team's Awesome Photo Project Celebrates The Beauty Of Body Acceptance

    Harvard's women's rugby team's Rugged Grace project celebrates the beauty of strong bodies.

    The Harvard women's rugby team wanted to do their part to spread the notion of body acceptance. So they embarked, as a team, on the Rugged Grace project.

    But the Rugged Grace project wasn't simply about team bonding: It was also about imparting a strong message of body positivity and strength.

    Over the course of the season, the women came to appreciate not only how strong and powerful their bodies were, but how they were able to support each other as teammates and friends.

    "This team didn't ask me to change anything about myself, just to love my teammates exactly as they were too," said teammate Helen Clark.

    "We are hoping that people will be inspired by the photographs to celebrate their own strength and to recognize the beauty of the women in their lives," continued Clark.

    For more inspiring photos head to the Rugged Grace Tumblr.