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And Here Are The GIFs From Justin Bieber's New Calvin Klein Shoot

An exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the Biebs' turn as underwear model. You're welcome.

Maybe you saw Justin Bieber's new Calvin Klein ad campaign?

Well, BuzzFeed Life was lucky enough to get a bunch of exclusive GIFs from the shoot.

1. The GIFs catch Bieber in a lot of ~private~ moments.

2. Like making out with model Lara Stone.

3. Like, a lot.

4. And oh, you know, whatever ~this~ is.

5. "Oh what's up."

6. "Oh hey girl, didn't see you there, I was just feeling myself."

7. Bieber also shows that he knows his way around a drum set.


9. Pro tip: Drumming shirtless is great.

10. But drumming pantsless is even better.

Drum on, Justin, drum on.