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    Baby Alpacas In Sweaters: A Love Story

    Turn up for alpaca fanfic.

    Franklin, Jan, and Steven took a turn around the pen, looking prim in polka dots and solids.

    Jan ignored Franklin's advances, despite him modeling a very lovely blue crewneck number.

    They made such a cute couple, Franklin opined.

    But nope, Jan wasn't having it.

    Franklin, dejected, would have to move on.

    There was Carissa, whose stripe-y poly-blend complimented her caramel fur.

    Or Penelope, whose red cableknit really looked pretty great.

    Or Heather, in the camo knit (who to be honest, might already have a thing with José).

    "Perhaps one of these girls could love me for me", he thought. "Perhaps one of these be-sweatered ladies could be the perfect match. I'll get over my heartache and learn to love again!"

    Which is, of course, exactly when Jan decided she wanted him after all.