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This Dad Took The Most Amazing Photos Of His Daughter As Wonder Woman


This is photographer Josh Rossi and his daughter Nellee. For Halloween this year, Josh planned a special photo shoot with his daughter and turned her into Wonder Woman!

The 31-year-old from Salt Lake City was inspired after watching Batman vs. Superman, he told BuzzFeed.

"I realized that Wonder Woman was almost more powerful than Superman! I instantly thought about my daughter and giving her that amazing role model to look up to," he told BuzzFeed.

Putting the shoot together was a labor of love — and money. The custom props and costumes for Nellee ended up totaling more than $1,500. And now Nellee refuses to take the costume off.

"She has been copying the scenes non-stop ever since," Josh told BuzzFeed.

It also helped that Nellee grew up watching old Wonder Woman reruns with her grandma. "She had seen the old shows and loved them," he said, "so when she saw the new portrayal of her she naturally fell into the role and started copying."


"I think women need a better role model nowadays, instead of the popular celebrities we often see who are all about image and beauty," said Josh.

"I want Nellee to grow up looking up to someone who doesn't have to use their body or looks to be respected," Josh told BuzzFeed, "but somebody who is strong in many other ways."