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    23 Tees That Express How You Really Feel About Thanksgiving

    All dat food. All dat lazy.

    1. Thanksgiving is a day of low expectations.

    2. Because: Tryptophan.

    3. Cranberry relish, it's the best.

    4. Why do people eat turkey all week?

    5. All the naps, they are yours.

    6. In case anybody was wondering what your plan of action was.

    7. When you need to remind your parents not to expect too much from you today.

    8. For when you've gone a little to H.A.M. on that stuffing.

    9. When you just feel like faking it.

    10. When your mom keeps asking you to help with the cooking.

    11. Too true.

    12. This one has more of a Friendsgiving vibe.

    13. A competitive sport we can get behind.

    14. When you can't hide your true feelings.

    15. Leftovers? Leftovers!

    16. This one basically works year round.

    17. Do you really want to risk it?

    18. Speaks for itself.

    19. So you can avoid those awkward T-day dinner convos.

    20. Also this one.

    21. If you need help preventing an unfortunate hook up with your high school ex.

    22. Please just don't make me get up from the couch.

    23. And finally, respect my political opinions.