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    17 Hot Dudes Who Prove How Much Of A Difference Facial Hair Actually Makes

    What a difference a mustache makes.

    1. Guys, we need to talk.

    2. The subject? Facial hair.

    3. Some love it.

    4. Some hate it.

    5. Either way, it's undeniable that it makes a HUGE difference on a guy's face.

    6. Guys can go from sort of cute to smokin' hot with it.

    7. From sketchy AF to president of babeliness.

    8. From Wild West 'stache to total cutie.

    9. Some guys take it all off.

    10. Some guys save a ~tiny bit~.

    11. But even doing a little beard trim can result in big changes.

    12. Case in point: this guy.

    13. And this guy.

    14. The results can be pretty dramatic.

    15. The reveal can be startling.

    16. SEXY!

    17. And sometimes, unbelievably delightful!