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    Why Gendry Could Be The Most Important Missing Person On Game Of Thrones

    Gendry Rivers, AKA everyone's favorite blacksmith and bastard son of Robert Baratheon, might actually be the most important character we haven't seen in 3 seasons.

    Gendry, less commonly known as Gendry Rivers, is the son of one Robert Baratheon, King of the Andals and the First Men, First of his name, yadda yadda.... And more importantly, last time we saw him he was rowing away from Dragonstone in a row boat, back in Season 3.

    Now, what a lot of people don't know is that in the A Song Of Ice And Fire series, it's explained that Stannis Baratheon was believed by Melisandre to be the prophesied bringer-of-light, Azor Ahai, who has the blood of the dragon.

    According to GRRM himself, the grandmama of the Baratheon boys (that's Stannis, Robert, and Renly), was Rhaelle Targaryen. Rhaelle was kind of a badass, and her dad had been the first Targaryen in a while to marry someone, y'know, not his sister. Rhaelle and her new Baratheon hubby, Ormund, had one son, named Steffon. Steffon, as you may have guessed, was the father of our late king Robert, and brothers.

    Now, provided that the popular "R + L = J" theory proves to be true, that makes two living Targaryens, and we know there will be three heads to the dragon. Which means that Gendry will be one of a virtual handful of people who has any Targaryen blood at all, and may very well be the one to be the third head of the dragon.

    So what do you think? Will Gendry end up being the last Head of the Dragon?