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Tell Us What's At The Top Of Your Bucket List For When Australia Reopens International Travel

I've never wanted anything more than to be squeezed into a smelly, overcrowded, economy cabin for 18+ hours.

Although NSW and much of Victoria are still in strict lockdown — and let's not even discuss WA's complete severance from the rest of the country — there are green shoots of hope for the days when Australians can once again return to a normal state of living.

And with vaccination rates soaring and NSW hitting the seven million mark of shots administered, the predicted date for reaching phase C is drawing closer every day.

So to get Aussies planning for the days when — not if — we can take to the skies again, we want to hear from you: Where is the first place you want to visit once international travel resumes?

Maybe you've got family overseas that you're desperate to reunite with?

Or maybe you're itching to once again discover new places and immerse yourself in different cultures?

Whatever your situation, tell us in the comments below where you want to escape to and why, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!