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    7 Brilliant Tips All College Kids Should Try This Week

    It's the ~finals~ countdown.

    1. Get the best buyback prices on your textbooks with BookScouter.

    2. Pack up your whole closet in seconds by putting clothes in trash bags while they're still on their hangers.

    3. Let yourself have some fun with your notes.

    4. Make your own healthy snacks to keep your energy up during late nights of studying.

    The library vending machine's got nothing on these healthy portable snack ideas.

    5. If you're graduating, here's how to make your forehead not look weird in your cap.

    6. Here are a whole bunch of free résumé templates.

    7. And because it's officially day drinking season, here's a recipe for the on-the-go cocktail you never knew you needed: CapriLa.

    Facebook: video.php

    Plus a whole bunch of other sneaky booze hacks.

    Congrats on (almost) making it to summer vacation!