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    20 Of The Best Gifts You Can Get At Urban Outfitters This Year

    Brb adding the mochi plushie to my wishlist.

    Hey! While we’re doing our best to make sure the products we feature will arrive in time for Christmas, shipping times are tricky and can vary depending on where you live, which product you purchase, and more. So order earlier than you think you need to and be sure to double-check the retailers’ websites for shipping information to ensure that your gift will arrive in time for when you need it. You can see Urban Outfitters' full shipping information here.

    1. A souffle pancake mochi plushie because, and hear me out on this, EVERYONE NEEDS ONE OF THESE. The fruit on top? Perfection. Its content little smile? Amazing. The ability to squeeze it to your heart's content? Unmatched. You'll be the gift-giving champion of the group with this pick. And every time the recipient snuggles with it, they'll think of you. 🥲

    The plushie has a smiling face with closed eyes and is in a light pink bed with various throws and pillows

    2. A zodiac traits tapestry for a trendy and personalized gift for your favorite astrological friends. This wall hanging highlights all the best traits of each sign and will totally help your emotional Cancer friend embrace their weekly cry seshes.

    3. Or an embroidered zodiac journal if they're more into writing their thoughts and feelings down than displaying them on their walls. This is perfect for the introspective Pisces in your life or maybe the observant Virgo who just *has* to take note of everything going on.

    the green virgo journal with an embroidered angel on the cover

    4. A Marshall Emberton portable Bluetooth speaker so your loved one can finally be the cool designated aux person for their group. This speaker is water-resistant, has quick charging capabilities, and can last up to 20+ hours when fully charged. Music snobs will go wild for this one!

    The Green Marshall speaker sits atop some magazines on a side table

    5. A heartbeat vanity mirror with a catch-all tray and LED light to remind your partner that their face is always in your heart. The 180-degree rotation makes it easy to get all those angles when applying makeup or doing your hair, so it's a thoughtful and practical gift all in one!

    The pink mirror has a circular on function and a circular base

    6. A Gourmand Eau De Parfum Fragrance because they smell so good — and there's no better gift than that of a signature scent. I wear the lait de coco and matcha sometimes and my girlfriend will wear miel bebe (which is the best, IMO). The best part? They last a long time and aren't overpowering in any way!

    three of the perfumes: fleur de blonde, hazelnut l'hun, and sel caramel

    7. A fuzzy cardigan that's, in the words of Fletcher, "flame emoji wow." This soft and cozy cardigan is like giving the gift of a warm hug with the added bonus of some super fun and eccentric designs.

    The model rocks the orange and bright yellow flame option

    8. A milk mug aka the perfect roomie gift if everyone in the house takes their coffee differently. If everyone's always getting their coffees mixed up in the morning, this can help sort that mess out in a fun, colorful way.

    The shelf has "almond milk," "oat milk," "soy milk" and "no milk" mugs in fun fonts with differing colors.

    9. A Smoko Rilakkuma light with a warm presence to bring some adorable vibes to your sibling's room. It has a one-hour auto-off setting, which is super helpful for those who always forget to turn off their cutesy lights when they leave. And I mean, c'mon, a light that looks like a glowing teddy bear???? GREAT GIFT. 🧸

    The sitting bear has a soft yellowish glow

    10. A sherpa throw blanket because no one can ever have too many blankets. These come in such fun patterns that fit well with trendy decor. Get this for the person who's always cold in your life — you know exactly who it is.

    There's a stack of various patterned blankets

    11. A Bluetooth record player for the person in your life eager to get into vinyl music but maybe not ready for the full setup. This nostalgic device is easy to set up, doesn't require a whole speaker sound system, and is the perfect first step in any music lover's vinyl journey.

    The record player is stacked on an organizer with records and other trinkets nearby

    12. A little glass table lamp that's the perfect little buddy to someone's room. Give this to the reader, sketcher, or plain ole homebody you know. They'll love the ambient lighting in their space.

    The small white lamp gives off a yellow glow

    13. A superfood bowl mask set to give your chronically stressed friend some chill. The packaging is such an adorable concept, and it'll be sure to give their skin some much needed respite.

    14. A Baggu duck bag for the loved one who doesn't like backpacks but needs something bigger than your average purse. This baby is big enough to fit a laptop, a book, some extra snacks, and more so you'll never have to hear them complain about not having enough space again.

    The model carries the olive colored bag

    15. A shrug sweater made of recycled materials and a wool blend that's a sustainable and soft option to gift to someone's winter wardrobe!

    16. A spa day headband so they can feel pampered like the royalty they are. Grab them the alien design if they're quirky and love something unique, or stick with the classic blue and white gingham for the friend who loves trendy designs.

    17. A disco ball candle with notes of citrus red currant, spice, and cinnamon to add something a little ~groovy~ to your gift-giving this year. Perfect for your S.O. who seemingly has every candle in existence. Bet you they don't have this one!

    The disco ball candle has little flecks of light reflecting and is filled with white wax and a small flame

    18. A Chillhouse press-on mani kit for someone who wants to rock a new set every week but can't afford to go the salon that often. These trendy designs and their convenient applications are a match made in heaven! Your friend will be #obsessed.

    19. A shoulder bag bringing all the rocker chic vibes to your BFF. The faux leather and grommet buckle strap give it so much charm — great for that person in your life who always sports the coolest styles.

    20. And a one-of-a-kind pillow made by hand for a unique, sentimental gift. These recycled fabric pillows will add a gorgeous pop of color to your giftee's home and bring a smile to their face every time they see it.

    The pillows are made of stitched fabrics and pleats

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

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