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27 Skincare Products From Amazon So Effective I Just Had To Tell You About Them

Because you deserve only the best.

1. A sensitive skin-friendly Vanicream moisturizer that's unscented, free of common irritants, *and* great to use all over your face and body. Tackle common skin problems from eczema and psoriasis to itchiness. Here's to bringing back your happy skin.

2. A pack of Cortibalm designed to heal mild to severe chapped, flaky lips with a special blend of beeswax, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, and one percent of hydrocortisone. Dermatologists recommend it for its lip-healing powers, too.

3. A miracle-working, life-changing Hero Cosmetics pimple patch set reviewers rave successfully absorbs all the awful gunk under the surface of your pesky pimples. In just six to eight hours (yes, you can snooze in them safely), extract all the pus from the whiteheads to really zap those zits.

Reviewer before and after using the pimple patches

4. An alcohol-free Thayers witch hazel toner I highly recommend using right before your serum and moisturizer, as it helps both products fully absorb into your skin.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the toner

5. A cruelty-free, anti-aging vitamin C serum that's quite easy to use and helps restore your skin to its soft, bright, and blemish-free state. Apply three to five drops to your fingertips or palm, massage it in and watch it work its magic over time.

A reviewer with dark skin showing the serum lightened the acne scars on their forehead and cheeks until they were basically gone
Progression photos showing redness and acne on reviewer's cheeks is reduced on day 2 and day 4

Promising review: "This serum is just as amazing as everyone says it is. I am 67-years-old, and I have light melasma on both of my cheekbones. I have done *everything* to get rid of it (microdermabrasion, other serums, clarisonic exfoliation, and on and on ad nauseam). I wear SPF 50–70 on my face 365 days a year, and I've done that for decades. I also drink a lot of water. It looked as good as it was going to get. Now, my skin looks even better, and the melasma has never been lighter. Overall, my skin tone just looks very even and smooth. Every morning when I look in the mirror at my face, I marvel at how smooth it looks for my age. This is such a terrific product. I just finished my first bottle and I'm on to my second one!" —Rabid Reader

Price: $21.97+ (available in two sizes and a two-pack)

6. A pack of natural bamboo oil-blotting sheets to pop in your purse and use any time, anywhere as needed, especially on hot, sweltering days that cause sweating or times when the oil on your face is far too thick for comfort. Hey, we've all been there.

a used green sheet that's soaked in oil
a reviewer's oil forehead
the same reviewer's forehead after using the sheets, showing it's much less oily

Promising review: "At 68-years-old, I am making my first purchase of 'oil blotting' papers. I must say I was skeptical. But I was quite pleasantly surprised that the 'papers' do remove the oil that causes the shine. Admittedly, I handle things awkwardly (probably using more 'papers' than necessary). However, the product does work. And work well." —John

Price: $6.95+ (available in three styles and various multipacks)

7. A PanOxyl acne foaming wash SUPER fun to use because it foams up and, best of all, contains the maximum strength benzoyl peroxide amount you can buy without a prescription. Time to banish pesky pimples for good.

8. multi-use skincare oil with retinol that's so darn impressive, your skin will look nearly unrecognizable after using it (in the best way, of course). Even out stretch marks, fade acne scars, *and* keep your skin properly moisturized. Just don't forget to apply a little extra sunscreen since retinol makes your skin sensitive to the sun.

Before photo of reviewer's red, slightly raised scar and an after photo of the same scar that is barely visible after using the oil
reviewer with dark post-partum stretch marks that have lightened dramatically after using bio oil

Promising review: "Bio-Oil is the BEST skin product on the market. I use it as a twice a day — morning and before I go to bed. Small lines have disappeared. My skin is very smooth and seems to glow. A doctor recommended this to one of my friends who told me about it. I have bought several bottles as gifts. Be patient. It will take a few months for you to see notice the changes. I am 71-years-old. No one paid me to write this." —Amazon Customer

Price: $9.99+ (available in three sizes and also in a pack of two)

9. An amazing anti-chafe balm that's heaven-sent in the warmer months as, let's face it, chafing happens and is the absolute worst. Apply before long walks, hikes, and runs to keep your skin moisturized and feeling fabulous. Plus, it's portable, so bring it with you to re-apply.

Model using the anti-chafe balm

10. A dermatologist-recommended tinted sunscreen specially made for folks with sensitive skin. Fragrance-free, this stuff provides SPF 41 so you can enjoy the sun and all its glory without getting burned (just make sure to frequently re-apply).

reviewer wearing the sunscreen showing that it blends in flawlessly under their makeup
The tan-colored sunscreen on a reviewer's hand

Promising review: "Finally a sunscreen that doesn’t make my face itch all day! Sure wish they would bring the price down. Love how it blends in and is soft and moisturizing. I’m 59 and this goes on smooth and doesn’t ball up under my makeup." —Melony

Price: $38.95

11. A powerful snail repair cream because snail mucin extract is rich in hydrating hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid, both of which work to stimulate collagen production, meaning your face is left brighter and far more supple. Thanks, snail, friends. 🐌 

Promising review: "I'm 55-years-old and my skin is a bit sensitive. I don't have a lot of wrinkles, but I'm definitely noticing a few more laugh lines and forehead crinkles than I had a few years ago! I've tried several moisturizers and have not been terribly impressed with any of them until now. This stuff really is great — incredibly hydrating without feeling greasy and it absorbs quickly. It feels great on my skin. In just a few short weeks, I definitely notice an improvement in my skin tone and fewer lines and wrinkles! Plus, the customer service is great. I had questions when I first received the product and got followup response immediately. I will definitely be ordering this product again. I use it in the evening and morning; no need for two different moisturizers. Very pleased!" —sbakey

Price: $20

12. A natural, rejuvenating eye cream to brighten up your complexion, reduce fine lines, and diminish dark circles *even if* it's been a while since you've gotten the requisite eight hours of sleep. 

Reviewer before and after showing the cream tightened and brightened their under-eye area
Different reviewer's progression photo showing their eye bags disappearing over time

Promising review: "I have been using this daily for about eight months now. I am 60 years old. It reduced the puffiness and bags under my eyes. I am Sicilian and had dark circles. It has brightened up my eye area. I am very surprised as I have paid much more for eye creams that have done so much less. I recently had pre-cancerous cells removed at the bridge of my nose. After healing, I was left with a dark scar. The dermatologist told me that it would heal over time. Since I began to apply this eye cream, the mark has almost disappeared entirely. I shop constantly from Amazon. This is the first time that I have taken the time to write a review. That's how impressed I am with this product. If you decide to purchase this, you won't be sorry." —Lynda M.

Price: $14.99+ (available in three sizes and a two-pack)

13. A miraculous, maximum-strength acne wash not only cruelty-free and ~fantastic~ for sensitive skin, but it also kills bacteria, unclogs pores, and works hard on even the most stubborn of breakouts. Your ordinary face wash could never.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the face wash

14. A retinol moisturizer reviewers rave effectively fades acne scarring, diminishes skin texture, *and* stops breakouts before they take over your beautiful face. Best of all, it won't leave your skin irritated in any way, just soft and smooth after.

Reviewer's face in November before using the product and in January after using it

15. Or a hydrating face and body cream which is simply the best at tackling redness, as it's made from anti-inflammatory ingredients like manuka honey, Australian cehami, and shea butter. This awesome cream is also great for a host of other skin issues like eczema, flaking, and acne.

16. A pack of pore-tightening face masks to put on after a long, stressful day and give your stressed skin the much-needed TLC it so deserves. These masks lift, help clear small breakouts *and* brighten your complexion with a "just left the spa" glow. Amazing.

Promising review: "At 60-years-old I have tried SO MANY products...anything short of surgery to lift and tighten my face. Around the age of 57 my pores became larger and larger. I tried product after product and spent hundreds trying to find that fountain of youth. There is nothing like going into a store with sales people younger than my grandchildren telling me what I'm doing 'wrong' with my skin care regime. They had never seen a wrinkle in their lives. I thought I would give this face mask a shot. I mean what did I have to lose? Immediate results! I couldn't believe it! My pores were small; my face was different...and in a good way..lol. I can't believe my skin looks so good. I'm so excited. I had to write a review. I don't think you'll be sorry if you decide to try this. I know I sure wasn't!" —Judi

Price: $16.99+ (available in two sizes)

17. A La Roche-Posay cream amazingly fast at restoring your skin, which means it's perfect as a last-minute quick fix before a big event or important Zoom call. Soothe red, irritated skin no matter if you over-exfoliated, over-peeled, or just stayed out in the sun too long.

Reviewer's face before and two hours after using the cream

18. A face-saving healing clay face mask for a deep pore cleanse, foot bath, body wrap *or* hair or body mask. Yes, it's just that versatile, and works to soothe sunburns, bug bites, and dry skin. Mix it with water of apple cider vinegar and apply for no longer than 5–10 minutes.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the face mask

19. An exfoliating bump eraser which works like a charm in getting rid of obnoxious, tiny red bumps caused by keratosis pilaris (aka KP) that may be harmless, but is incredibly annoying and frankly, something we'd rather do without.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the bump eraser

20. A razor bump solution if you're prone, like me, to ingrown hairs and redness caused by waxing or shaving. Bonus: it helps minimize hot wax's pull to the skin, "easing" the pull which means less pain and annoyance for you.

Reviewer's armpits before and after using the solution

21. A pack of 24-karat gold under-eye patches made with snail secretion filtrate to moisturize and treat dark circles, puffy, skin, and basically anything that makes you look less than fully rested. That's so golden.

22. A delicious blueberry body scrub that smells so good you may be tempted to eat it (hey, no judgment). This stuff fights stretch marks, dryness, and fine lines, and leaves you smooth as a baby's bum as they say.

Reviewer showing some of the scrub on their hand

23. A seriously impressive pack of resurfacing daily cleansing pads with 2.8% glycolic acid for a mellow but effective clean. Translation: you get a gentle chemical exfoliation that slowly but surely reveals brighter, clearer skin each time you apply it.

Reviewer's face before and after using the cleansing pads for two months

24. A soothing Nature Republic aloe vera gel from one of my personal favorite skincare brands, as it always delivers results without causing sensitive skin any trouble. Put it on your legs after shaving or use it on your face and watch redness, sunburn, and bumps begone.

Reviewer's face before and after using the gel

25. A hand lotion perfect for those of us prone to dry, cracked skin and eczema on our digits, (*raises hand*) especially when we frequently wash them. Bend your fingers once more without pain and kiss damaged hands behind.

26. A 2% BHA liquid acid exfoliant that went viral on TikTok for good reason: it's gentle, non-abrasive, can be used daily unlike many rival exfoliators, ~and~ helps your skin shed extra, dead layers, leaving you brightened, restored, and hydrated as heck.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the exfoliant

27. A rosehip oil made with a rich blend of fatty acids and antioxidants your skin will happily eat up, especially if you suffer from acne scars and want an alternative to caking on the foundation and BB cream.

Reviewer's skin before and after using the rosehip oil

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.