OK, These 18 Jokes About How Ridiculous The English Language Is Had Me Actually Seething

    Laid rhymes with paid but not plaid. WHY?

    English is hard for everyone. You could be learning it as a second language or even majoring in it in college, but either way, it'll never make perfect sense. Some language quirks can be fun. Others? Infuriating.

    Feel free to give a follow to the accounts that really nailed it.

    1. English really should not be that difficult to read.

    English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.

    Twitter: @cometaorg

    "Throo tuff thurrow thot, thow."

    2. Granted, the language has its moments.

    Twitter: @PicturesFoIder

    Because why would you need to gender "the"?!

    3. But also, it sometimes just refuses to make sense.

    Twitter: @PicturesFoIder

    4. And don't get me started on the spelling.

    @seeinglando @PicturesFoIder "Inglish iz litrly uiriten d uiey itz pronaunsd bisaidz e fyu wuurds"

    Twitter: @LevakHandrix

    5. Of course, our spelling has rules; it's just that none of them ever apply!

    @mythsbaby English is famously three languages standing on each other's shoulders wearing a trench coat

    Twitter: @CSMFHT

    The age-old adage...

    (A word that I just learned how to pronounce correctly.)

    6. But blame the French and Italians, not us!

    i literally hate the english language...literally colonel and bologna????? HOW

    Twitter: @sukiaIone

    7. No, really. Most of the time you're mad, you can blame the French.

    Why is Kansas pronounced Kansas but Arkansas is pronounced Arkansas

    Twitter: @Ty_Brasel

    I do this in general, not just for language stuff.

    8. Although sometimes, their influence can bring a certain je ne sais quoi to otherwise... inelegant verbiage.

    english fuck up of the day: i thought ballache was pronounced like ganache

    Twitter: @certifiedcopy

    9. So true.

    why do people act like learning languages is hard? if you know one you know them all. french is just fancy spanish. german is just mean french. english? that’s dumb german, baby

    Twitter: @MNateShyamalan

    French is Spanish if you take out the parts that make sense, German is French if you make it make sense again, English is... well. English is... GerFrench? Is this what being a linguist is?

    10. I personally have, like, 12 of these:

    hey kids who learned their vocab from reading, what word that you mispronounced still haunts you

    Twitter: @baileymeyers

    Reply tweets include such classics as "salmon," "iron," and "indict." As well as a couple other words that I just learned I was mispronouncing for the first time.

    11. TBH, these have always annoyed me.

    english is so confusing what is rise and raise and lie and lay omg and why do you say blood but fool it’s two o’s in both urghhh

    Twitter: @daydreamdess

    We have 'oo's like "blood," "good," and "brook," but then also like "fool," "moon," and "shoot"?? Make it make sense.

    12. I do know the answers to these, but they still make me mad...

    english is so confusing because why do you say fish and not fishs. or men and not mans. or women and not womans. and so many others-

    Twitter: @wlcome2destroya

    Okay if you really wanna know... A vowel change like in man/men, woman/women, or sing/sang/sung is known as an "ablaut," and most Indo-European languages have at least a couple of them. Now, you have a fun new trivia fact!

    13. Who knew??

    WE HAVE A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT. It's spelled "whoa," not "woah."

    Twitter: @Dictionarycom

    I lied, I did know that. And now you do, too, and it will annoy you any time you see someone say "woah."

    14. For the record, American spelling is superior.

    i fucking hate the english language. is it defense or defence, center or centre???? make up your damn mind

    Twitter: @proyearner

    The US and England should fight another war and standardize spelling.

    15. And I will always defend the glottal stop "T."

    Twitter: @MemesCentraI

    16. English has its good moments!

    That the words chip and dip rhyme is one of the most beautiful things about the English language

    Twitter: @mofeels

    Like, that was just meant to be.

    17. If you don't like chips...

    I love the English language. 🤣

    Twitter: @oldguy_steve

    Anything in particular drive you nuts when it comes to English? Or any words you particularly like?

    I personally love salacious and elixir. But that's just me.