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    22 Things Every Haitian Can Relate To

    You know you're Haitian when...

    1. You were never allowed to go trick-or-treating because your parents told you it was the “devil’s holiday”

    2. Most Haitian homes you visited had plastic-covered couches

    3. Growing up, you were never allowed to sleep at your friend's house or attend “sleepovers”

    4. Speaking of restrictions, we all know The Three L’s: Lekol, Legliz, Lakay (School, Church, Home)

    5. Razac Body Lotion and Bien-Etre Eau de Cologne/Lavande

    6. You recognize one of the greatest creations known to mankind

    7. You were always forced to eat labouyi and mayi moulin as a kid

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    but somehow you grew to love it and will never let a non-Haitian disrespect it

    8. As a child, you dreaded being punished and having to “mete ajenou” for hours (kneeling)

    9. Your parents only believed in the following careers: doctor, lawyer, or engineer

    10. When you enter a room of Haitians, you must kiss every single person on both cheeks as a sign of respect

    11. The box of Danish cookies never has cookies and the tub of Country Crock butter never has butter

    12. Ringing in the New Year also means celebrating Independence Day with Soup Joumou

    13. The photo says it all...

    14. When your parents are super aggressive waking you up in the morning

    15. We know there are unlimited ways to take photos in front of plants

    16. That one Zouk song everyone knows and sings whenever they see you: "Zouk La Se Sel Medikaman Nou Ni"

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    Amazing song! But for those who don’t know, it’s actually not a Haitian song. Kassav’ is a Guadeloupean musical group

    17. Everyone has a Marie, Claude, Jean, Pierre, or Joseph in their family (or all 5)

    Past and present Haitian presidents' names with one of the 5 names:

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1804-1806)

    Jean-Pierre Boyer (1818-1843)

    Jean-Louis Pierrot (1845-1846)

    Jean-Baptiste Riché (1846-1847)

    Pierre Théoma Boisrond-Canal (1876-1879; 1902)

    Joseph Lamothe (1879)

    Pierre Nord Alexis (1902-1908)

    *insert 20 more names following that pattern*

    Jean-Bertrand Aristide (1991; 1993-1994; 1994-1996; 2001-2004)

    Michel Joseph Martelly (Current)

    Also very common: Michel, Francois, Claire, and Rose

    18. Vicks and Lwil Maskriti can cure anything from neck pain to cancer

    19. People always say "Sak Pase" and ask if we speak “Haitian"

    20. You know not to even THINK about changing the channel during the World Cup (or any soccer games)

    21. The media tells you this is Haiti

    But this is ALSO Haiti

    22. Last but not least: you know for a fact that our food is heaven-sent

    Long live Haiti!

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