7 Powerful Moments From The Sentencing Of Jared Lee Loughner

    Several victims — including Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly — addressed the man who killed six and injured thirteen in Tucson in 2010. Loughner was sentenced Thursday to life in prison.

    Patricia Maisch, who helped prevent Loughner from reloading:

    Suzie Hileman, shot three times while trying to protect 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, who died at the scene:

    Betty Jean Offutt, daughter of deceased victim Phyllis Schneck:

    Mavanell "Mavy" Stoddard, shot three times while her husband died trying to shield her:

    Pam Simon, Giffords' former aide, shot in chest:

    Rep. Ron Barber, Giffords' former district director, who was shot in the thigh and face:

    Mark Kelly, with his wife Gabrielle Giffords beside him: