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    CONSPIRACY THEORY: 25 Reasons Suzanne Is The Reincarnation Of President Calvin Coolidge

    In the bold young year of 2007, when the world was a much simpler place, a certain APUSH teacher compared Suzanne Lauren C (last name omitted to protect security) to President Calvin Coolidge, or, "Silent Cal." What we didn't know, until further investigative reporting, was that this "comparison" was really less of an observation, and more of an informed premonition.

    Let's lay out a timeline here.

    Now that we have that in mind, let's look at the facts at hand.

    1) As a child (and into adulthood), Coolidge enjoyed eating pancakes.

    2) Calvin grew up in the small town of Plymouth, Vermont. His father was a storekeeper who taught Calvin the puritan values of frugality, hard work, and honesty. Calvin was known as a quiet, but hardworking boy.

    3) Calvin Coolidge loved animals. According to some sources he "literally had a zoo at the White House."

    4) Calvin Coolidge was the last president to never fly in plane. He also never owned a car.

    5) Calvin Coolidge, who traveled to Cuba in January 1928, was the last and only President to visit the country while in office.

    6) Coolidge held many city and state positions before becoming Vice President.

    7) In many ways, President Coolidge was known to clean up the mess of the Harding administration, which had been full of corruption and scandal. Coolidge fired the corrupt officials and hired new, reliable staffers.

    8) Coolidge was elected to another term of president under the slogan "Keep Cool with Coolidge"

    9) President Coolidge is the only President to be born on Independence Day.

    10) Coolidge was succeeded by President Herbert Hoover.

    11) President Coolidge was the first President to appear in a "talkie," a movie with sound.

    View this video on YouTube

    Suzanne and I created a Kubuki drama in honors Asian studies that won us the admiration of teachers and students alike. It's like Suzanne had acting in her BLOOD.

    My apologies for the poor quality; the original version lies in a hard-to-reach place

    12) Calvin Coolidge studied at Amherst College.

    Suzanne owns an Amherst sweatshirt. I annoyingly can't find a picture of her wearing it BUT SHE OWNS ONE AND SHE WEARS IT A LOT

    13) President Coolidge's government policies were very pro-business

    14) President Coolidge was Christian

    15) Calvin Coolidge grew to be 5' 9" tall.

    16) President Coolidge played the harmonica and loved music.

    17) During an extended period of rain, a Senator rhetorically asked the President if the rain was ever going to stop. In true Vermont fashion, Coolidge said "Well, it always has."

    18) In biology and psychology, the Coolidge effect is a phenomenon seen in mammalian species whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed interest if introduced to new receptive partners. This effect is named after President Coolidge.

    19) Coolidge liked to wear a cowboy hat and ride a mechanical horse for exercise.

    20) Coolidge was known to push for limited aid to farmers.

    21) Grace Coolidge (Calvin's wife) remains a popular presidential wife in the rankings of all First Ladies. This is probably due to her image as an elegant, young, and vibrant First Lady. The Secret Service nicknamed her “Sunshine.”

    22) Calvin loved his family, including his wife and two sons.

    23) According to the Miller Center, "for all of his reported quietness, Coolidge loved company and never dined alone or seldom spent an evening alone with his wife. He and Grace Coolidge entertained more than any previous family in the White House."

    24) Overall, it's safe to say that President Coolidge's reincarnated life is in great Suz-hands.

    25) Just like President Coolidge strove to be, Suzanne is very driven and persistent.

    So, even if this is a conspiracy, I'd like to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most cool-tempered, overly-kind, open-minded, lovable, intelligent, driven, gregarious, and energetic person I know.