This Hamster Going Through A Five Level Maze Will Be The Best Two Minutes Of Your Life

    This furry rat-puppy is impressive.

    Twitter user@bedroomflicker tweeted this video (appearing to originally be posted on TikTok by @chaudharyaqib1) of potentially the world's smartest hamster completing a five-level maze. It has become viral gaining 100,000's of likes and retweets.

    This was the best two minutes of my life

    @chaudharyaqib1 / Via Twitter: @bedroomflicker

    There's something about hamsters that give people strong feels — people either love them, or they don't have a heart.

    BUT if there's is one thing we can unite on, it's this intelligent AF hamster.

    Harry The Hamster (not sure if that's its name, but let's go with it) attempted to complete a FIVE LEVEL MAZE.

    Now I don't know about you, but if a hamster completed a one level maze, I would be impressed.

    After snooping around level five, Harry was able to head down to level four, and I'm scratching my hamster trying to figure this out.

    It's hard to find someone both equally smart and cute, but Valentine's Day is around the corner and we need to know if Harry is single, you guys.

    @bedroomflicker This was the best part

    @chaudharyaqib1 / Via Twitter: @bedroomflicker

    Level four seemed like a breeze for this furry rat-puppy.

    Level three was tricky, but there was nothing that was going to stop this eligible bachelor from proving he's worth it.

    Can't lie... level two was tough and I was worried for Harry.

    At one point it looked like things would end bad!

    But let's face it, Harry is a-MAZE-ing!

    After stopping to acknowledge fans, hairy Harry finished strong.

    Would you date someone like Harry The Hamster?