Do Guys Know What Women Want?

    Nicely put, sort of. Truthfully, no.

    These men attempted to answer the question "Do guys know what women want?" and as you could imagine it was an interesting experience.

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    According to the guys, Drake and Ryan Gosling are the answers to women's prayers everywhere.

    Which is hilarious.

    Thankfully, we had women there to steer them in the right direction and here's what we learned:

    Attraction is pretty important, but it's not everything.

    In the guy's opinion, money and success were a requirement...

    ...But the women said that it isn't about the money, it's about ambition and confidence.

    Also, we learned that personality is a must.

    Of course, the dudes began to fixate over the classic "bad boy" image that supposedly every woman wants.

    In conclusion:

    Couldn't have said it better myself.