

I was born in San Angelo, yet lived everywhere from England, Wyoming, and San Antonio, TX. I DJ at night and teach during the day. I have the heart and courtesies of a country kid, yet have the desire and passion for the city. Basically, I’m a big city guy with a small town heart. I love the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and need a lot more than this small town can offer. I am a great guy with a big heart and most of my friends would vouch for that. I need positive influences and attitudes around me and I refuse to let my life to be run by people who can never be positive, regardless of what others think. I am a very positive and optimistic person; I need the same in my life. I have a lot of life goals that I want, and WILL, accomplish before I die or just get to old to do so. Some may seem like very lofty goals or something that I might not be able to do, but I know that with some hard work and determination I can achieve them all. I will no longer allow others to affect me negatively. I have a variety of nicknames that have been given to me over the years: *Chad (for my students at Lincoln, especially those special four girls lol) *Sparky *Flash *Mouth *Gecko (Thanks to April Mayer for telling the new kid in high school that he looked like an amphibian lol) *Sushi (For Lauren Baron and Sydney May at camp) *Yellow Ball (Thanks to Daniela Parraga) *White Lightning *Pinche Horny Cracker (Damn you, Hoochie! lol) *Josh The Squash (I love you and miss you, grandpa) *TSL (It's an XBOX Live thing lol) *Joshy (Thanks for making me feel like a little kid again, Cupcake lol) *Coach *Crazy Josh (thanks to all my campers) *Osh Gosh B'Josh (thanks Jimmie) *Sunshine (thanks Ray......jerk lol) *Digits (thanks again, Ray, for reminding me of this one......jackass) *Pretty Boy *Alvin (thanks to my Alvin & the Chipmunks hoodie) *Cat (Andi, I'm not Dr Suess lol) *Bubba

Jan 2011
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