21 Awesome Toys That Your Parents Wouldn't Buy You

    Whether they were too "expensive," too "violent," or too "gender-stereotyping," these were proof there were limits to your parents' love.

    1. Power Glove

    2. Basically Every Star Wars Ship

    3. American Girl Dolls Customized to Look Like YOU

    4. This Treehouse

    5. Polly Pocket Petal Village

    6. Teddy Ruxpin

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    (You should probably thank your parents for not getting you this one. Definitely saved on psychotherapy bills.)

    7. The Technodrome and Shredder

    8. All the Beanie Babies

    9. Neo Geo

    10. My Size Barbie


    12. That Giant FAO Schwartz Piano

    13. Barbie Dream House

    14. Jurassic Park Compound Play Set (w/Optional Jeff Goldblum)

    15. The Easy-Bake Oven

    16. This Super Soaker

    17. The Talkboy

    18. Rock Em Sock Em Robots

    19. Password Journal

    20. A Pony

    21. And, of course, POWER WHEELS