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    This Accidental Ad Placement Is Both Hilarious And Disgusting

    Two campaigns running simultaneously: one for McDonald's and one for NHS SmokeFree. What could possibly go wrong?

    The McRib is back! How thrilling.

    Simultaneously NHS England are currently pushing a "SmokeFree" campaign.

    View this video on YouTube

    It features some pretty disgusting shots of rotting flesh (not for the faint hearted).

    Things you need to know:

    Both ad campaigns are also running billboard advertisements across towns and cities in the UK.

    You can see where this is going...

    Spotted a #McDonalds McRib advert next to a picture of a smoker's diseased insides that looks unfortunately similar!

    .@McDonalds reveals its inspiration for the #McRib in this awkward pairing of adverts

    Ever wondered what happens to the stuff from your insides when you smoke? It goes to make a McRib that's what! #mcrib
