16 People That Put Lazy People To Shame

    Professional couch potatoes, masters of idleness, and lumps of laziness.

    1. The guy that refilled this machine.

    2. This engineer of straws.

    3. This guy who gets paid to paint lines, not to move branches.

    4. This dog who wouldn't even roll over if you paid him.

    5. This sad excuse for a chef who didn't even bother taking the food out of the container before heating it up.

    6. This couch potato who can neither find the remote nor does he need it.

    7. This crafty guy who swears he's helping.

    8. This guy who really thinks outside the box.

    9. This guy who couldn't be bothered to get out of his car to pump the gas.

    10. This athletic genius.

    11. This bowling champ who is either an unparalleled genius or just very, very lazy.

    12. This parent who defied all the h8ers that said he couldn't push his child on the swing and have a nice cold beer at the same time.

    13. This slacker of a pumpkin carver.

    14. This dog and his owner who were made for each other.

    15. This cat who wouldn't even get up if it meant saving his life.

    16. And this mannequin that really speaks to us all.

    This post was translated from Spanish.