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    Why I Will Now Refer To All GOP Members As Radical Christian Politicians

    In the wake of certain statements from the GOP, I have made the decision to lump all members of the Republican Party into one group, and give them a small taste of how it feels to be lumped in with others you don't agree with!

    People have criticized the Democrats for refusing to use the term "Radical Islamic Terrorism" in regards to the shooters in San Bernadino and Paris. What they refuse to admit, however, is that such a group term can be dangerous. I have tried to explain this to people, but those across the aisle simply don't or won't understand. This morning, after Donald Trump's announcement that he would close the borders to all Muslims, I finally came up with an idea. From now on, I will refer to all members of the GOP, including members of my own Jewish family, as radical christian politicians.

    Most of the Republicans I know personally (and yes, some of my best friends ARE republicans), including one who works FOR Trump (still trying to understand that) are quite rational. Those of my generation are uniformly ones that I would invite (and would most likely attend) my big gay wedding when I have one. They believe in equal rights for all people, and are actually pro-choice. So why would I "lump them in" in such a terrible category? Easy, it is the EXACT. SAME. IDEA. behind the Radical Islamic Terrorist term.

    By using the name of a religion, and preceding it with the word Radical, it automatically leads to a slippery slope. It leads to the inclusion of a vast majority of both Christians and Muslims. Islam is a PEACEFUL RELIGION!!! If it is read correctly, the Koran makes it clear that war is only a last resort, and to be abhorred in almost all situations. Furthermore, it specifically rejects the notions of terrorism and guerrilla warfare. By adopting the term the GOP wants us to use, it automatically links those peaceful Muslims with a tiny minority of their co-coreligionists. This leads to hatred, violence, and political action against the vast majority of Muslims who abhor the action of those terrorists in San Bernadino and Paris as much as everyone else does! It is a vastly over-broad term, and words can be dangerous.

    Radical Christian Politicians are a vast minority of the Republican Party. People like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee all fit that mold. They are a small part of the larger GOP, but they are the ones which talk the loudest. Its them we hear about the most, like the news stories relating to Islam are almost all about the minority of Muslims who are terrorists.

    It is horribly incorrect to lump my Republican friends in the same category with them, especially the ones who aren't Christian! However, the purpose is valid. Maybe, just maybe, if they experience what it is like to be lumped in with members of their group who espouse views, and act in ways fundamentally opposed to their own views and actions, the vast majority of rational, sane, and realist Republicans will find a better term to refer to those evil men and women who take lives in the fallacious name of religion.